8 Reasons Why NLP Is More Effective In Increasing Confidence & Gaining Higher Self-Esteem
In the 1970s, Richard Wayne Bandler together with John Grinder developed Neuro-Linguistic Programming in California, United States. This method has been designed to understand and hence change how the verbal and non-verbal communications influence the human brain.
Not only does the method involve communication, it also enhances its practitioners’ personal development and psychological state. Though it is rumored that some experts disproved this method, some hypo-therapy practitioners, companies and even government agencies are still adopting this method in their seminars and leadership training.
NLP involves three components that are important to bring influence in producing human experience – neurology, language and programming.
The neurological system controls the operations of human bodies, language determines our way of communication with people around us and programming determines how the world we create turn up.
NLP explains the relations of the first two components and how their fundamental dynamic gives impact on human body and behavior which is the programming.
Article Index:
- The Most Accessible Technique
- Puts You Away from Stress
- Helps You Creates Lights to Your Darkness
- Changes to Good Beliefs
- Helps Reducing Anxiety
- Promotes Healthier Moods
- Assists in Losing Weight
- Enhances Learning
The Most Accessible Technique
One of the techniques used in NLP is rapport. Rapport, easily translated is empathy. It is a condition in which people or groups have a harmonious relationship that they understand each other’s feelings or ideas and they have a very well developed communication.
A person who has the ability to build this condition with the people surrounding them is likely to be happy at both work and home. They tend to have more friends, be healthier, thus, live longer.
The good thing about building rapport is that it is not a matter of chance because there numerous ways that can help you improve your relationships and it is always accessible.
Puts You Away from Stress
Living our daily lives, we are triggered to have reactions to common experiences. This results in a lot of stress, depression and many other negative emotions.
For example, you may get mad when someone mentions something of your dislike. Dissociation severs the link between the bad feelings you are having and the cause of any event that made you feel bad. Thus, it works to treat deeply entrenched psychological issues which include depression, anxiety, phobias and stress. It is also a good way for you to deal with difficulties in life.
Helps You Creates Lights to Your Darkness
Content Re-frame is when you are put in a group and you are to visualize things and think differently of horrible situations that made you feel victimized, dis-empowered or out of control.
The Content Reframe technique gives you the ability to view bad situations in a new way – with lights- so that you can see hopeless situations to derive positive outcomes. This technique can benefit people with severe trauma experiences or people suffering from chronic or fatal illnesses. It can also be useful to enable you get over acute trauma, for instance failing in schools.
Changes to Good Beliefs
Since childhood, we are instilled numbers of beliefs. Some are inherited from the society surrounding us. These beliefs have been giving impacts in guiding our everyday lives that we sometimes become unaware of them even in our most conscious time because it has been so deeply embedded in us.
We always are unaware of these core beliefs that we find them unchallenged. Together, someone’s beliefs become a part of their worldview. It then produces assumptions where we filter and understand everything happening around us. Though all beliefs give many positive effects, some still produce bad behavior patterns that affect how we think and interact with the people around us.
NLP provides a very working set of tools to help you reprogram your set of beliefs and also help revise the way that you view the world, thus, you can have act a more positive act.
Helps Reducing Anxiety
NLP teaches ways to challenge some patients’ beliefs that they can never recover or that there is nothing they can do to help themselves get better.
A state someone is in when they are setting a goal or making decisions of what actions to take is very important. NLP is all about to have understanding on thinking on conscious and unconscious level.
Richard Bundler suggests that the human’s mind are always actively treasures for answers and it always answers it parallel to what the questions were. Thus, it is important to ask positive questions such as “How is my life going to be when I have changed?” instead of “Why is my life so horrible?”
Promotes Healthier Moods
Though limited, there are evidences that prove this program can be useful in supporting a person to have a more balanced mood. However, there are numerous factors that cause depression which are different to every individual and it needed to be dealt differently depending on the individual’s personality. Yet, it is encouraged that a person tries the techniques in NLP as it may offer solutions.
Assists in Losing Weight
Without engaging in detoxing and crotchety diet, NLP weight loss techniques can help reduce weight and enhance life.
NLP will give you a whole different way of thinking on food and body shape. You will in the end only eat what you need to eat. It helps you to enjoy your food – not feeling stuffed, sluggish and most importantly, you won’t suffer from the terrible effects of acid reflux.
It involves very simple technique. All you have to do is just really focus on your food when you are having your meal, making sure that you are not distracted and savor every mouthful you are having.
Enhances Learning
Not only that NLP is popular to help develop good personalities, it is also gaining recognition in the field of teaching and learning.
There are two techniques that are said to be very useful to solve problems in teaching. They are perceptual positioning and presupposition.
Perceptual positioning is another better way to understand people. This technique helps people to view things differently.
Presupposition is a process to relate unspoken messages in every conversation. This ability will help the learner making better choices when they can focus on their decision instead of challenging the teacher’s instructions.