Takalah Tan

Takalah Tan

Motivational Speaker

What do you think will become of a promising Singaporean, who unfortunately, at the prime of his life, has been inflicted with the following:

· Permanent amnesia
· Defaced
· Blinded and dislocated left-eye
· Suffered complete diagonal fracture of right shin (both tibia and fibula)
· Fractured 3 of his right-ribs
· Dislocated left shoulder
· Loss of sense of smell
· Death of own father from cardiac arrest due to cancellation of heart bypass
· Loss of a coveted sales marketing manager appointment with a MNC where he was 1 of 2 selected out of 7000

Exactly one week before he began with his appointment at the MNC, he met with the unfortunate and unforeseen motorbike accident in 1994. This traumatic incident turned his life upside down; brought him to a juncture he helplessly knew not what to embark upon; where to be bound for in living this new life of his!

This ‘unfortunate soul’ was none other than Takalah, elite Commando Officer whom had won many awards in his national service duration and had been assigned a strategic reservist appointment. Takalah had to go through a long, arduous, and most challengingly painful journey of recovery from his ‘rebirth with multiple deficiencies’ after the accident.

Having his optimistic future suddenly turned into dust, Takalah was enshrouded by a realm of dire straits aplenty. The accident literally took everything away from him, and gave to him a challenging environment, where few knew much about the attributes of traumatic brain injury (TBI) and thus were not able to adequately accommodate for them. Not only were his dreams shattered, Takalah had lost his prior memory and had to start his life all over again!

Is it not true that every failure brings with it a lesson learnt, a seed for a desired success? Having emerged as a triumphant victor of such a devastating adversity, Takalah today lives to share his mind-blogging story with anyone whom he has the privilege to touch. In today’s challenging times, Takalah is an inspiration, a directional ‘beacon on troubled waters’. He helps motivate and navigate countless people impacted by their respective challenging moments to realize their respective true greatness.

Takalah’s audacity of having hope in his time of adversity gave to him his new life; one that was exemplary to the many who were dismayed. Takalah is a man who dares and truly dates his dream.

Jeffrey Williams
Adrian Choo - ACTA Trainer
Andrew Cheah
Asher Eng
Cindy Tan
Edmund Tay
Elaine Wu
Gloria Leung
Gustin Low Freelance Trainer
Hussein Guleid
Jacky Lim
Johnny Lee
Stephanie Goh
Shannon Lim - Trainer & Facilitator
Takalah Tan
Vernon Lim Neuro Linguistic Practitioner & Coach
Ilia Tivin

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